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Below lists the drill bits which are suitable for drilling into masonry. If you are looking to drill a large hole you will need to purchase either a diamond core drill or a tct core drill.

The diamond core drills can drill holes of up to 182mm diameter into masonry whereas the TCT core drills can drill holes up to 150mm diameter into masonry. The diamond core drills have a depth of 150mm whereas the TCT core drills have a depth of 50mm.Longer adaptors are available to drill deeper holes.

For drilling smaller holes the SDS+ and SDS max drill bits will offer you the best performance. The plus and max does not refer to performance but to the shank of the drill bit. You will require a drill machine with an sds+ or an sds max chuck to use either of these drill bits. However if you wish to have the performance of an sds drill but don't have the correct machinery, our exclusive range of extreme concrete drill bits have a sds spiral & tip but a standard drill shank and so will fit into all standard drill machines.

If you don't need the highest specification drill bit, our profi masonry drill bits will offer you good performance at a lower price.

If you have any queries please give us a call on 01942 523627.