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Privacy Policy:

Pro Star Drills Limited respects the privacy of every individual who visits our web site. This privacy policy outlines the information that we may collect and how we will use that information. This policy statement will also instruct you on what to do if you wish Pro Star Drills Limited to remove your personal information collected or stored during any visits to our web site. Personal information is any information that concerns you and would enable us to contact you, for example your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address or any information you submit to us.

The use of personal information:

Pro Star Drills Limited will not collect or retain any personal information about you unless it has been provided by you. Therefore, if you do not wish us to retain any personal information about you, please do not submit it. We will only use your email address to send you updates about new opportunities and other items of interest if you have requested us to do so. Your e-mail address or other contact information will not be provided to any third party under any circumstances.

If you wish us to remove any of the information we may hold about you or your company as a result of information you may have provided to us then please send us an email and it will be dealt with immediately.

Use of Cookies:

This site uses cookies in various areas which will allow the normal functions of the site to operate. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information in an anonymous form.

The cookies used on our websites have been categorised based on the guidelines found in the ICO UK Cookie guide. Under the ICO Guidelines, the types of cookie used on this site are considered as either a 'First Party Cookie' or a ‘Third party’ cookie.

First-party cookies are set by us and Third-party cookies are set by other websites through this site.

First-party cookies (cookies set by us)

Shopping cart functions and transactional areas:

There are some areas of our site that make use of shopping carts or forms technology which at times have to make use of cookies. From time to time we may add functionality and additional features to our site e.g. surveys, comparisons etc., and these often come from 3rd parties – we will endeavour to ensure full disclosure of any cookies.

Areas of the site requiring a login:

By accepting the use of any site login functionality, without exception, you must explicitly agree, by your action to the setting of specific cookies, which allow this area of the site to function correctly.

Third-party cookies (cookies set by other websites through this site)

This website uses Google Analytics to help analyse how visitors use this site. Google Analytics uses "cookies". The anonymous information generated by Google Analytics cookies about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to Google. This information is then processed to compile statistical reports on website activity for Pro Star Drills Limited only.

If you want to disable cookies then you can do so via your web browser. The process depends entirely on which web browser you are using although it is not difficult to do.

For further information about cookies and how to manage them visit